
Hi, I’m Betty!

I began Fluff Fold & Prep on a whim and have quickly built up a clientele. I needed to have ‘proof of concept’ and it’s proven!

I have 2 daughters and FIVE granddaughters (and a girl granddog!), and I know how stressful laundry and meal prep can be, because it never ends. I retired from full-time work several years ago and remained in the corporate world working part-time. I finally decided to start this business. Most of my professional life was spent in the healthcare space, working with breast cancer patients and breast care product manufacturers. I have also been in the healthcare IT world. I’m convinced, as hard as they try, busy MOMs, DADs and PROFESSIONALs can’t ‘do it all’,  and we’re here to help.

About Fluff Fold & Prep

Fluff Fold & Prep is a hybrid service, to help you with laundry and meal prep. My amazing Team has plenty of organizing and laundry experience, and we know our way around the kitchen. We strive to offer a service that helps with the endless task of laundry, and the overdone take-out and delivery, of fast-food meals.

Fluff Fold & Prep Team


I have been a full-time/part-time nanny since moving to the area and also have experience in house management like organization, laundry and meal prep. I enjoy helping families and individuals in any way I can and making lives easier. I’ve worked for many families and remain close relationships with them! I am constantly decluttering my own home and finding better ways to organize, because I genuinely enjoy it. In addition to organizing, I love crocheting, rock climbing, and reading!

I am happily married and reside in Roswell. I retired from the corporate world in 2022. I truly enjoy helping others in many different forms. I enjoy organizing, flower gardening, crafting, and decorating for every holiday. I love the beach, flamingos and being out on my boat. I am extremely organized and most things in mind can fit in an alphabetical, numerical or color-coded category. I have nicknames like “Laundry Fairy” and “Decoration Lady”.

I am an Expert Space Organizer with more than 10 years of experience organizing all kind of spaces in Homes and Businesses. Folding clothes and put them away is one of the first important steps towards the goal of an organized home and brings a set of calmness to the atmosphere, which is my goal to offer to every client. Meal Prep is another form of keeping a household organized and free of stress, so it is such an amazing and exciting experience for me to be part of FF&P team and bring to each client harmony and calmness through these services!

I’ve been a professional Nanny for 20 years, so I have lots of experience organizing, keeping up multiple households, and creating meals from ‘whatever is in the fridge’.  No one is going to be hungry on my watch!  All ‘my’ Nanny kids are grown and now I help to ferry them back and forth to and from school and to their afternoon activities.  I also pet sit and love animals.  Every day is an adventure, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m active in my church, love visiting with family and friends and tell everyone my ‘natural habitat’ is my car! 


 When I tell my friends that I fold laundry and organize homes, they can’t believe it. I used to hate doing laundry when my kids were young. I can empathize with all the families that I now help, and I get enormous satisfaction from knowing I am taking that struggle off a Mom’s (and Dad’s) plate.  I’m the proud Mom of two kids, who are active is sports, and I stay busy being involved and organizing (no surprise!) their team dinners.  


I’m a busy mom of 2 kiddos. A 10 year old girl and a 6 year old boy. Recently, I left the corporate world after trying to do it all and burning the candle at both ends.

Now I am trying to enjoy life more, with my family, and find fulfillment in all that I do.

Volunteering at my kids school, hiking, museums and spending time with family and friends are some of my favorite pastimes.

Laundry is my favorite household chore and helping other families tackle their load is fun and rewarding to me. I also enjoy organizing and lifting the mental load of clutter. It’s like cleaning therapy. 🙂

As women, we are constantly feeling the pressure to do it all. I believe that we can do it all, if we want. However, why not outsource things that don’t bring you joy?!?!

What People Are Saying

Hello! I LOVE Kelly! We also loved Denise too! She's wonderful and it's my pleasure. I'm beyond grateful for the help. Thanks for checking in! I have referred you to a ton of my friends -- I hope your business is thriving! .
Carrie R
You are totally in tune with everything going on in our home and you are the light at the end of the tunnel.
- Deanna M